chasing shadows again

Extra-special bonus points to anyone who recognizes the lyrics!  [Except for Carlos-the-Jackal.  I know he knows I know he knows.]  That song was, ironically, on my soundtrack while I took a train from the East Coast to Oregon before flying to the Land of Loud Birds to live.

I am moving away from Mississippi [which never really got its own little slogan name] and returning to my rightful home.  I will no longer be writing in exile!  To celebrate, there will be drinks!  And reunions!  Reunions with drinks!

Because I love nothing so much as not losing my cocktail recipes updating my blog, here are some potential fall-themed drinks for reunions!

Zombie Cocktail | Autumn Colors CocktailWarm Apple PieHot ‘n’ Spikey Texican Tailgate Cocoa [Note to self A: Create drink named Hot Drunken Hedgehog Cocoa  Note to self B: Find someone to illustrate this concept] |  Pumpkin Pie Martini

{October 13, 2009}   autumn stalks the lands

It does.  It becomes cold in the morning when I go out frolicking with emo-puppy in the dewy grass.

Fair enough, Internet.  He frolicks.  I stagger along and mutter curses because dawn is not an appropriate time for frolicking in my general opinion (unless one is still, perchance, awake).  Dog walks are even pre-coffee.

Because I have been living in the land of loud birds I have the cold tolerance of orchids.  To keep me from dying, Cryssy sent me a FOX HOODIE for my birthday!!!  Internet, I can have fox ears.  While my general opinion of hoodies with ears has been low, let me tell you I suddenly understand!  I made the squee noise when I opened the box.  I smiled when I held it up.  I smiled when I tried it on.  I smiled when I looked in the mirror.  I smiled when I though of how appalled everyone will be.  And now I am preparing to snuggle up with this hoodie, some rum, and either Neverwhere or Small Favor on audio CD.

Among my first projects when I finally get a job (wish me luck on my test to prove I am good enough to score an interview to become a bank teller!) will be to get a thermos that can hold hot drinks to drink while reading on the porch with this hoodie.  Autumn is my favorite season, and I should spend some time out in it.  Also, perhaps soon a hookah and then I can choose/mix flavors to match the books I am reading.  Ladies and gentlemen of the Internet, this idea pleases me greatly!  (Do feel free to leave suggestions in the comments.  🙂  I am interested to see what flavors you think books (or perhaps characters) should have.)  I realise that this is going to lead to drinks for books and me getting very, very drunk and perhaps dropping these books (or these drinks!) into either a snowdrift or a bath.  Or toasting marshmallows over candleflames in a Jack-o-lantern.

Okay, come to think of it – I might do that sober too.  The marshmallow bit.

Also – THANK YOU FOR FOX HOODIE, CRYSSY!!!  *kiss*  Fortune cookie!

I am once again enthralled by cute things.  This time in the form of Bento boxes.

Already my Ravyn and a Bunny have had to suffer through my sending them links upon links to bento related thingies!

Sometime after the holidays I will likely get a pair of bento boxes (one for me to take to work, one for mom to take to work) and thus I can eat more tasty diet foods.  More likely than not I will get the Laptop Lunches ones, which seem to be the superfunctional and not overly cute (amusing as it could be to pack my mother lunch in a Hello Kitty bento box), and they sell replacement inner parts for when I inevitably lose some or want to pack a couple up ahead of time with leftovers.  Of course, the internet is full of cute bento boxes – some of which cater to my cherry blossom obsession.  People, there are even chopsticks catering to my cherry blossom obsession!

So now when I win the lottery and have my very own commune, I will ALSO be making lunches for all my people to take away with them.  In addition to the soap making, jewelery making, and vodoun charms.  As long as I don’t get these things mixed up, everyone should be fine.  But I can’t pick up many more cute hobbies or I will not have time for my hookah.  And not having time for a hookah would be a tragedy.  Flavored tobacco for the win!

Should I get these boxes, I will update you with the pictures!  For now, I will leave you some links to fun/cute things.

Lunch In A Box! –  A fun blog with many links and pictures.  Load of tips and recipes.  Focuses on quick rather than time-consuming cute, so excellent for the kind of things to pack every day.  (Also – she has instructions for a relatively simple-looking apple bunny!)

Cooking Cute – Although this blog seems not to update frequently (like I can talk), it has a huge amount of resources and information on it.

Kitchen Cow – Full of pictures!  With BEEF STROGANOFF in a bento box!  (There is even a recipe for the stroganoff!)  However, all that really needs to be said for this site is this “zombie rising from the grave bento for the win!

No really. It is totally written in response to part of one of our conversations, just to be obnoxious.

donkeys 01
by ~greenleaf-stock on deviantART

We will watch the sky like burros who walk in the rain
taking leisurely steps and not seeking cover
we will turn our heads up to catch rain on our tongues
and remark upon how this must be the best time to be alive

We will watch the sky like burros who slosh through the mud
laughing at the squelching mud sounds as the earth tries to devour our hooves
we will turn our heads up to watch humming thrumming dragonflies
and remark upon how this must be the best time to be alive

We will watch the sky like burros who trek through the sun
scuffing up clouds of dust with our determined hooves
we will turn our heads up to find shapes in the drifting clouds
and remark upon how this must be the best time to be alive

We will watch the sky like burros who drowse beneath the moon
making wishes with huffing breaths on dandelions
we will turn our heads up to search for shooting stars
and remark upon how this must be the best time to be alive

{October 28, 2008}   ~untitled~

when dusk steals out over the city
creeping whisper-soft like the brush of unseen whiskers
painting the drowsy canals with darkness
I will come out with the lovers and the beggars and the cats
to stalk through the streets

murmurs and blushes
ancient eyes and the frayed hems of old coats
silken fur and endless mystery
will seep through my skin like ink

I will not watch what they are writing
but trace my way through the sinking buildings and swaying boats
with all the indifference of the moonlight on the water

in this twilight city
there will be hours to search out messages written and waiting
lurking in the half-heard conversations
the invitations into the unknown that are but a twitch of a tail
a shadow half-glimpsed
forever remembered

Sun-Painted Compass

Sun-Painted Compass

brushed across the canvas of my skin
shuddering with my heart
is our story
traced out in lines of fate and destiny
trailing over my palm
left like a map to distant places
going and coming and dividing and returning
until the whole story could not be written on one canvas
but in our skins overlaid
and then deeper
falling in tangled twists of color and light and darkness
writhing off of our skin and into the night sky
connecting stars and planets into new ever-shifting constellations
a love painted in presense and absence
light and shadow
with our blood and the colors of the bleeding sun
so woven into our fortunes
what has been spilling into what is come
I trace the curves of Nazca Lines and spiral-carved labyrinths
and wonder if you are speaking to me
promising that our dance nearer and father – forward and back
traces out something only visible from heights we have not yet reached

I mailed your letter this morning.

Chaco Canyon


{June 4, 2008}   Flowers for ME!!!

Flowers Cryssy picked for me

So, today was the crazy at work, and I came home just in time to get an e-mail about flowers! They are not yet in my possession, but Cryssy is pressing them for me, and will make them into something and mail them to me!

Also–I date two ultra-awesome womens now! Cryssy has joined my legion of minions other lovers in slavery to my every whim absolute bliss.

{March 27, 2008}   September 04, 2004: Old Poem

you do not know who you are

for all I see you so clearly

reflected in truths that glow like moonlight

and I will wait for you

as people once waited for me

you are so painfully young

caught in that horrible liquid moment

when it seems you must accept gravity or grow wings

and I know of no way to tell you

you’ve wings already and all along

as you tell me the weight of your new world is crushing you

and that you love me

I trail my fingers through feathers you cannot feel yet

and wonder when you will understand

[As often done, to make my Ravyn smile.]

A chocolate CD.  Shipped in a CD case, naturally.

Save The Earth!!!  This is our new Earth Day shirt!!! [Also, it totally makes me want to say “Save the chocolate.  Save the world.”]

And a tee-shirt for the prowlings!!!  In pink for the amusement of your gender neutral pronouns!!!

Chocolate-Cherry Mouse Kisses –  I would totally make these for you right now if I thought they’d survive shipping!!!  Why don’t you live close to me?  I would be showing up with chocolate-cherry mouse kisses and rum!  *looks curiously at truffle box and ponders logistics-first step, eat all the truffles; second step, snuggle chocolate mouses into the truffle cushiony papers…third step, do I have cherries?  Where is our house slave my brother?*

Chocolate Bunny in Sportscar-from Nirvana.  [Click here if you want to order one, I linked to the enlarged photo.]

It’s New Age Chocolate!!!  Chocolate and Yoga!!!  [With seven chocolates-one for each chakra!  Yes, it really goes there!]

Peace, Love, Chocolate.  Lookit!  It comes on thongs!  And boxers!  I would have though we could have matching underwear….

When Pigs Fly-um.  Um.  Uh.  Murr.  I think you have to see this one to believe it.

{February 3, 2008}   Sunday Morning Coffee and Secrets

When I am 40, I want to be here.

Right now I am 27, and terrified I will not have children before I am 30.

I have no real home at moment (do not misinterpret, I am living in a house!) and I am slowly coming to terms with the knowledge that I will not stumble upon a place to belong and will instead have to build one.

et cetera