chasing shadows again

I am now located in Mississippi, the funnest state to spell (from now on tFStS!), where at random my neighbors bring offerings of food.  I still adore Sonic.  I plan to learn to make gumbo.  I am reading Downtown Owl, by Chuck Klosterman (who brought us Sex, Drugs, and Coco Puffs).  Downtown Owl has that sleepy, transcendent small-town aura down.

I am poking around the Internet reading about all manner of things, likely because while I find these sleepy, transcendent small-town auras to be endearing and beautiful, I am not meant to live in one.

Absinthe Hookah (technically the 26 Inch Amber Stargaze)

Absinthe Hookah (technically the 26 Inch Amber Stargaze)

I found this hookah, which immediately reminded me of absinthe!  Then I went off on a tangent of absinthe peekings (while debating the wisdom of getting licorice tobacco and adding a shot of absinthe to the base) and  found some interesting and pretty things.  Like the absinthe fountain, for when you want a little tap to drip water over your sugar cubes.  And some absinthe spoons so pretty I love them (even though they’re gold!).  Now tempted to drink absinthe with sugar and water (instead of straight, which is how I actually like it).

Pretty, pretty, pretty

Pretty, pretty, pretty

I am now off to watch Naruto (because I have found that I greatly enjoy the RIDICULOUS NINJAS!) and have a pre-packaged mojito (that is really not comparable to the real thing but still tasty).  I have spent the night wondering what breakfast foods/tobacco flavors would go best with ridiculous ninja, and have decided that either pancakes/waffles and many tasty toppings or salmon soufflé and mimosas (with pink champagne, ladies and gentlemen) for the sheer absurdity will do.  The tobacco flavor I associate most strongly with this escapade is blueberry – extra interesting because I don’t actually eat blueberries.

Yes.  Really.  I have an affection for the ridiculous ninjas.

EDIT:  Adding also – absinthe soap!!! (With or without sugar!!!)

et cetera